| | 2. | | | Pledge of Allegiance (Commissioner Welch) | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2956
| 1 | a. | | Action Item | Motion to excuse absent members: Chair Grogman and Commissioner Sergeant | | |
Not available
| | 4. | | | Public Comments on Items Not Appearing on the Agenda | | |
Not available
| | 5. | | | City Council Liaison Report | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2957
| 1 | a. | | Action Item | Adoption of Minutes: November 19, 2024 | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2958
| 1 | a. | | Informational Item | Consideration of an application filed pursuant to Land Development Code Chapter 82, Article III, Division 3, Subdivision VII. - Amendments, Section 82-242. - Amendments to Sanibel Plan to amend permitted uses and associated standards of a Special Use District (Sanibel Marina) to allow for vehicle rental use (10 carts and 20 bicycles) at 634 N. Yachtsman Drive - tax parcel (STRAP) no. 20-46-23-T2-01500.0420. The application is submitted by Miles and Chelsea Sweiss, the applicant, on behalf of Acme Sanibel FL LLC, the property owner. Application Nos. SP-2024-000238. (Supplemental 1- Attachment J added) | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2959
| 1 | b. | | Informational Item | Consideration of an application filed pursuant to Land Development Code Chapter 82, Article III, Division 3, Subdivision V. - Conditional Uses, Section 82-204. - Application and hearing to amend Resolution 21-25 and obtain a conditional use permit for the addition of bicycle rental to an existing vehicle rental use in the General Commercial district at 975 Rabbit Road, unit 6 - tax parcel (STRAP) no. 21-46-22-T3-00002.0020. The application is submitted by Laura DeBruce, the applicant, on behalf of Timothy McGowan, the property owner. Application Nos. CUP-2024-000251. | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2960
| 1 | c. | | Informational Item | CONTINUED- FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. Consideration of a recommendation to City Council for an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances to consider a Sustainable Development Program; amending Chapter 86, Development Standards, creating Article V, Sustainable Development Practices, and adding new sections: Sec. 86-226, Intent, Sec. 86-227, Applicability, Sec. 86-228, Definitions, Sec. 86-229, Administration, Sec. 86-230, Incentives, Sec. 86-231, Sustainable Building and Structure Standards, Sec. 86-232, Landscape and Vegetation Standards, Sec. 86-233, Solar installations and EV charging stations; amending Chapter 90, Fees, Article II, Development Permits, Division 5, Miscellaneous, by creating a new Sec. 90-134 Reduction of development permit fees for Sustainable Development Practices. | | |
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ID# 24-2961
| 1 | a. | | Informational Item | Proposed 2025 LDC Amendment Priorities | | |
Not available
| | 9. | | | Report from Planning Department | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2962
| 1 | a. | | Informational Item | Upcoming meeting dates:
i. Planning Commission - Tuesday, January 28, 2025
ii. Below Market Rate Housing (BMRH) Review Subcommittee- Tuesday, December 10, 2024 (following Planning Commission) | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2963
| 1 | | | Informational Item | iii. Report to City Council - Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - Commissioner Sergeant | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2964
| 1 | b. | | Informational Item | Planning Reports
i. Planning Permit Review Report | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2965
| 1 | | | Informational Item | ii. Planning Priority Tasks and Project Matrix | | |
Not available
ID# 24-2966
| 1 | | | Informational Item | iii. Plan Application Status Report | | |
Not available
| | 10. | | | Report from Commission Members | | |
Not available